
#CONSPIRACYSTATUTE: TRUMP 5G Agenda, ASS_NGE, Alexa Spies #5EnglishEyes

#CONSPIRACYSTATUTE: TRUMP 5G Agenda, ASS_NGE, Alexa Spies #5EnglishEyes 4/12: Today, President Trump announced the plan to steamroll 5G across America, removing all local powers to prevent automatic roll out. Meanwhile, Amazon found to be recording you thru Alexa and soon, your car will be reporting you thru "Smart" infrastructure.

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Today, President Trump announces full 5G roll out that will "remove obstacles" of local powers to limit it:

Speaking out against electric cars deemed "derogatory" by Go_gle Gestapo:

Your car is watching you:

HRC says Ass_nge "only foreigner welcomed" by Trump:

Julian Ass_nge carries Gore Vidal book upon arrest:

President of Ecuador's FB account removed before Assa_ge arrest:

Let's not forget Roger Stone:

Please follow William Binney, NSA whistleblower:

Thanks so much for supporting You Are Free TV! Please join us on the 6pm Prayer Wave worldwide wherever you are to pray for FREEDOM for humanity-- from the b_nkster cabal, from the f_scist technocracy, freedom from the few who attempt to control billions of human lives-- together, we can create a heart resonance of our natural resistance to tyranny in all its forms!

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Freedom from Tyranny! We ARE Free!

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