Email : Morphintome@gmail.com
Instagram : Morphintome
Facebook : morphintome
PRIVATE READING 1 hour $15.00
~Here is my chart~
Sun Scorpio
Moon Pisces
Rising Leo
🦋🦋🦋Hello everyone my name is Jasmin and I am an empath.
I've always known I've had these keen sense of abilities with people. I've always been some sort of outcast, meaning I've always had my own way of doing things and thinking, as my mom would emphasize. But I've always been someone that people keep close and seek for their deepest concerns and or advice. This came natural to me over the years, I'm able to look at someone and understand what's going on understand why and what they did. The only difference is today I use tarot cards to help better define someone's personal journey or path or as I like to say "knitted" in influence of our ancestors, God, Allah whoever you may worship, the end result The advice is there to obtain and distribute amongst those willing untap their inner empath. For all of our lives love will be most sought out. I am here to help us understand who we are who I am why we are here define the ins and outs of love and even hatred. I specialize in twin flames. The divine masculine the Divine feminine and even in a lot of cases a karmic partner. This is what led me to Tarot. This is what led me to wanting a deeper understanding. I have learned so much on this journey of who I am. That not only are we the chosen ones, but Divine feminine's. We are beings so powerful that we are able to unlock our kundalini on the physical realm. We are strong and we are powerful we are forever flowing and here is where I want to chat on a day-to-day basis with you individually and as a whole.🦋🦋🦋