
Hypersensitivity || Type - 1 and Type -2

Hypersensitivity || Type - 1 and Type -2 Hypersensitivity (also called hypersensitivity reaction or intolerance) refers to undesirable reactions produced by the normal immune system, including allergies and autoimmunity. They are usually referred to as an over-reaction of the immune system and these reactions may be damaging, uncomfortable, or occasionally fatal. Hypersensitivity reactions require a pre-sensitized (immune) state of the host. They are classified in four groups after the proposal of P. G. H. Gell and Robin Coombs in 1963.

Antigens,Antibodies,Immunity,Immunology,Blood groups,Erythroblastis foetalis,Type 1 hypersensitivity,Type 2 hypersensitivity,Type 3 hypersensitivity,Type 4 hypersensitivity,Biotechnology,Microbiology,Phanindra Gupta.,

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