
Niranjana | Kosmic Fusion | About consistent teachings of Sree Maa Shri Ji

Niranjana | Kosmic Fusion | About consistent teachings of Sree Maa Shri Ji Niranjana: No, they have been very consistent. In fact when I first heard Sree Maa talking, I knew this was all from Sanatan Dharm because I already had a background through Patanjali Yogasutra, Keen Upanishad, Katho Upanishad (I was just exploring them).

The minute that came, I just knew the teachings were coming from Sanatan Dharm from the start. I have never seen the teachings shift at all.

Sree Maas most basic teaching given out was to be the non-doer, to constantly step back, that teaching has never shifted. After that it was all built-up (on the foundation).

Sree Maa has told in those initial days itself that Sree Maa would be using the Bhagwad Gita as the base of advanced studies and Sree Maa has stuck by that. I have never seen any shifts in any kind of teachings. It wasn’t a fluff that something was taken from here and there.

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