
S2 2019 Phil Clothier Breeding for consumer outcomes

S2 2019  Phil Clothier   Breeding for consumer outcomes The consumer is King? But just who is our consumer?
Is it the Prime lamb producer we supply rams to or is it the Processor who slaughters and distributes the product from those
lambs or is it the person who ultimately eats the lamb or wears the wool?
I believe we have to satisfy all 3.
It is most important that we produce sires capable of enhancing the lamb producer’s profitability because without a viable
and profitable Prime lamb producer we have nothing.
It is also important that we satisfy the processor by providing sires with the genetics that enhance their business.
And finally it is of utmost importance that the consumer of a lamb meal or the woollen clothing is satisfied with the product
they purchased.
At Woolumbool we have always attempted to produce sires which have a balance in the desirable traits we believe are
necessary to satisfy all three of our consumers.

LAMBPLAN,Leading Breeder,MLA,MERINOSELECT,ASBVs,Woolumbool,Sheep Genetics,

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