
Switchwords - FIND-COUNT-DIVINE - Attract Money Miracles.

Switchwords - FIND-COUNT-DIVINE - Attract Money Miracles. What are Switchwords?
Certain words have the power to reach into and alter, our subconscious.

They are just words. Simple, everyday words.
No-one is sure how they work, but it is likely that they are connected to the vibrational frequency of the word.
The meaning of the word is not essential - it may be related to its function or it may not.

Anyone can use Switchwords.
There’s no danger of harm by their use.
They should be listened 28 times (as in this video) each day for 42 days.

You can:
* Listen and speak one throughout the day.
*Listen and mentalize during the day.
* Write them down in a journal.
* Use them in art or drop them into your writing.
* Meditate on one or more Switchwords.


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