This is SHYAM TOMAR and welcomes to Tech & Myths
Things That Happen When You Increase Your Brain Usage
You know those times when you see a film and you just can’t stop talking about it? It moves you in a way that you want to share it with someone? Well I’m having one of those moments. Why? Because this film is all about what happens when you use more of your brain. To think most of humanity after the thousands of years of evolution is still only using less than 10% of our brain. What would happen if you used 20% or 40%? Find out!
Introducing the film Lucy.
Sure the film has guns, car chases and drugs, but that’s just the packaging to get people to the cinema. Think of that as the wrapping paper, once your gift is unwrapped, you discard the paper and the box it came in. It’s what’s in the box that’s important.
Brief storyline first: Synthetic drugs are made that when ingested increase your ability to use more of your brain. Girl ingests huge quantity of the drug and the use of her brain increases as the film proceeds. We then see what happens to a human when they increase the use of their brain. (Fill in blanks with good guys, bad guys, car chases, gunfights and Scarlett Johansson being very cool calm and collected!)
Is this all science fiction or actually, not only something that other people are currently experiencing, but something that you can also experience without the drugs? Read on and find out more.
According to Lucy, here are 7 things that happened when she increased her brains potential:
1. Obstacles start dissolving.
– Obstacles are those circumstances where we feel stuck, trapped, impaired and can’t flow forward in life. As we increase our brains potential, we don’t have problems, we just have creative solutions. You spontaneously attract things like abundance, car parks, and harmonious relationships and effortlessly find solutions to all your problems.
2. Desire begins to fade.
– Desire is what drives us to seek fulfilment. It’s the base motive for most of our actions. It’s the idea that I’m separate to that thing or experience and if I get it, I’ll be more fulfilled. As our brain usage increases the experience of the separation between you (subject) and the experience (object) fades, and an internal fulfilment flourishes, dissolving desire.
3. Fear starts to fade.
– Like desire, fear is the experience of subject (you) and object (something other than you) and the separation between the two. It’s the experience that the object could threaten you the subject and that your survival is finite. With increased brain usage, one acquires awareness that they are more than physical limitations, in fact, there are NO limitations. I.e. they had no beginning, and no end, just as the wave regardless of its time frame, is always the ocean. As Lucy says in the film, “You don’t actually die.”
4. Control over your body.
– No longer at the mercy of the responses in the body, living as a slave to it, one now is aware of the powerful intelligence within body and is now the conductor orchestrating how it functions. This ranges from not only healing oneself but also having mastery over the seeming physical limitations and controlling the cells.
5. Reduced emotions.
– Emotions are responses to circumstance indicating a binding affect that person or event had on our experience of life. We feel happy, sad, and angry in response to situations. The Sanskrit word moksha is liberation from the effect those events have on us. We are now free from the ups and downs of the emotional state responding to life around you. Some would say it’s a blissful fascination that one retains throughout.
6. Empathy.
– Lucy said: “I’ve access to 28% of my cerebral capacity. I can feel every living thing.” Admittedly this wasn’t conveyed very well in the film as she shot dead a number of people (ok, I didn’t say the film was perfect!), however as we do open up regions of the brain and dissolve the experience of separation with other entities, one actually feels how they would feel, because they are connected through the field of Oneness. So just as you have a finger, a hand, an ear, a toe, and they all look different and have different functions, if you hit your toe, your entire body feels it.
mind power
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