Today we discuss the following topics relevant to small-scale backyard bee management practices.
1) Am I going to publish a Beekeeping Journal? If not, why? What do you use?
2) Is there a best beehive design for beginners? Look for an entire video dedicated to the Flow-Hive Options coming up this week!
3) Holly Bushes are great for an apiary wind break and they provide loads of nectar early in the nectar flow season. Spring nectar sources.
4) Is there a way of protecting landing boards from rain or snow when the hive is too tall for the roof to be effective?
5) Do you have any hives that have survived for many years? How to choose which hives to split or reproduce from?
Below are materials that you may find helpful based on today's topics:
Buy a genuine Flow-Hive and get $50.00 off of the purchase price: Please avoid fakes, here is the real deal:
Here is my favorite Bee Keeping Journal, and convenient document protectors, Pens, and Annual Assignment Book - perfect for storing your important papers, receipts, and honey-bee history.
Mead Zipper Binder:
Avery Document Protectors:
Pilot Pens (four colors):
Student Planner (perfect for bee projects):
Make your own landing board rain/snow shield:
1 and 1/2 inch 1/4-20 Thumb Screws:
1/4-20 T-Nuts:
and your own pine boards.
Glue used on rain shields: Tight Bond II:
Beginner Beehive kit: Mann Lake:
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