
Cory Booker's Evidently Hoping To Secure The Dem Presidential Nomination By Insulting Women

Cory Booker's Evidently Hoping To Secure The Dem Presidential Nomination By Insulting Women As Twitchy told you earlier, aspiring POTUS and privileged white man Eric Swalwell graciously pledged to “pass the mic” and pick a woman to be his VP. Not to be outdone, fellow Democrat presidential hopeful Cory Booker has made a similar vow: -- Jennifer Epstein @jeneps: “Booker pledges to pick a female VP. "I will have a woman running mate," he says.” -- MSNBC @MSNBC: “Sen. Cory Booker pledges to pick a female VP if he wins Democrat nomination: "I will have a woman running mate."” -- What a guy. -- Julien @JulienSkye1: “So brave…” -- And stunning. -- Yeoman's Play @YeomansPlay: “Tough break for T-Bone.” -- Poor T-Bone can never catch a break. But we’re sure he’s still very proud of Cory Booker for being so progressive to give a woman the privilege of serving as his running mate.

PoliTICKED the Podcast @WPoliticked: “So brave. Or maybe he should step down from the race and volunteer to be a VP.” -- bb @beebigelow: “does he also say “I will be a woman’s running mate"” -- ed @eleventy17: “He doesn't think its time for a woman to be at the top of the ticket?” -- Hey now. Let’s not talk crazy! -- Caitlin Huey-Burns @CHueyBurns: ““I will have a woman running mate,” @CoryBooker says at @_shethepeople” -- Harry Khachatrian @Harry1T6: ““I have binders full of women”” -- David Rutz @DavidRutz: “Booker: "I will have a woman running mate" ARE YOU NOT PANDERED TO” -- Spartacus is woke AF, you guys. -- Pradheep J. Shanker @Neoavatara: “Open question… Aren't women offended by male candidates saying they'll pick some random woman for their VP? I'd be a little offended.”

Karol Markowicz @karol: “A woman. Any woman. How is this not offensive?” -- Anthony Bialy @AnthonyBialy: “When you claim all criticism of liberal women is sexist, giving one a job because she's a liberal women is enlightened.” -- Too bad that Cory’s patronizing pandering ultimately won’t have been worth it: -- RBe @RBPundit: “NARRATOR: No you won't. Because you'll be out of the race before you're in a position to pick a running mate.” -- James Whomever @JamesWhomever: “On the plus side, he’s making promises he knows he won’t have to keep”

YouTube: Mega Cringe: Eric Swalwell Confesses To Being 'A White Man' (And Get A Load Of His Atonement Plan)

Twitchy: ‘How is this not offensive?’ Cory Booker’s evidently hoping to secure the Dem POTUS nomination by insulting women


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