PoliTICKED the Podcast @WPoliticked: “So brave. Or maybe he should step down from the race and volunteer to be a VP.” -- bb @beebigelow: “does he also say “I will be a woman’s running mate"” -- ed @eleventy17: “He doesn't think its time for a woman to be at the top of the ticket?” -- Hey now. Let’s not talk crazy! -- Caitlin Huey-Burns @CHueyBurns: ““I will have a woman running mate,” @CoryBooker says at @_shethepeople” -- Harry Khachatrian @Harry1T6: ““I have binders full of women”” -- David Rutz @DavidRutz: “Booker: "I will have a woman running mate" ARE YOU NOT PANDERED TO” -- Spartacus is woke AF, you guys. -- Pradheep J. Shanker @Neoavatara: “Open question… Aren't women offended by male candidates saying they'll pick some random woman for their VP? I'd be a little offended.”
Karol Markowicz @karol: “A woman. Any woman. How is this not offensive?” -- Anthony Bialy @AnthonyBialy: “When you claim all criticism of liberal women is sexist, giving one a job because she's a liberal women is enlightened.” -- Too bad that Cory’s patronizing pandering ultimately won’t have been worth it: -- RBe @RBPundit: “NARRATOR: No you won't. Because you'll be out of the race before you're in a position to pick a running mate.” -- James Whomever @JamesWhomever: “On the plus side, he’s making promises he knows he won’t have to keep”
YouTube: Mega Cringe: Eric Swalwell Confesses To Being 'A White Man' (And Get A Load Of His Atonement Plan)
Twitchy: ‘How is this not offensive?’ Cory Booker’s evidently hoping to secure the Dem POTUS nomination by insulting women