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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.
This past weekend, Donald Trump traveled to Wisconsin to deliver another one of his, uh, hate rallies. And during the rally he said the following, he said, the is born mother meets with the doctor, they take care of the baby, they wrap the baby beautifully. Then the doctor and mother determined whether or not they will execute the baby. Now he was obviously talking about some of these misconstrued abortion bills that are going around this country. Uh, this doesn't happen by the way, what Trump is describing here, it does not happen. This is an absolute lie. He is not the first republican to peddle it and he certainly won't be the last. But the reason I am even bringing that up is because we have too many people on the left who are still calling for civility. Let's be nice. Let's make 2020 a campaign about feel good politics. Let's embrace one another. Let's hug, let's sit down by a campfire and sing Koombaya and just get along with these Republicans and you know, be nice and reach across the aisle and I'm sure they're not going to slap my hand. The second I reach across that aisle, right? They will. They will every single time feel good.
Politics are not going to defeat Donald Trump or any republican in the 2020 elections. They won't. We've seen that all too often. It doesn't happen. Hell, even Obama's former advisors, several of them have come out and said, hey, democrats don't try to work with Republicans. They're going to screw you over. They will never get along with you. They will never give you what you need or what the country wants. Do not even attempt to do it. And yet we still have several candidates out there peddling this feel good version of politics. Even when we have the commander in chief sitting there telling us the Democrats want to kill the babies after they're born, you know, institute I guess infant death panels to go along with Sarah Palin's claim of death panels from many, many years ago. And that's another point. Stop trying to play Nice with these people. Stop thinking that there is any kind of rational conversation to be had with these people. They are not arguing in good faith. They are not debating in good faith. They never have and they never will.
Civility is dead and that was a long overdue death because Republicans haven't practiced civility in this country in decades and it's time for Democrats to stop pretending that we can reach these people, that we can work with these people or that we even owe them the basic niceties that we extend to other people, and I'm not talking about your average work day republican out there who just occasionally follows.
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