

HOW TO MANIFEST ANYTHING YOU DESIRE WITH THE OUTER INTENTION Hello my friends and welcome to my channel! My name is Irada and the purpose of this channel is to make you realize the true power within you and how you can manifest the reality you truly deserve. Today I would like to talk about the outer intention and how you can manifest faster using the outer intention.
Our world is like a dual mirror which is a reflection of our thoughts and our feelings. Your current reality reflected in the mirror is a result of your thoughts and feelings. Every time you focus on a negative aspect of your present reality, you create the exact same reality over and over, the abundance of what you don't want in your life. The mirror simply reflects what is on your mind. This is how the Law of Attraction works. So instead of reacting to your present circumstances and allowing the external factors to control your life, become a deliberate creator of your reality by visualizing what you want your life to be like in your mind and feeling as though you already have it in the present moment. If you keep visualizing long enough, over a period of time it will get programmed into your subconscious mind and your desired reality will manifest. The moment you reach the unity of heart and mind, the outer intention will manifest the reality of your choice. The reason why some of our desires and wishes don't come true is because they fail to reach the unity of heart and mind. For instance, your heart wants something but your mind starts doubting it, thus a disagreement takes place. Or your mind tries to convince some idea to your heart, but the heart remains indifferent. One of the ways to reach that unity is to keep on visualizing and feeling as though you are already living the life you desire.
The manifestation process takes time and at times you may feel like nothing is happening. The outer intention works in subtle ways but it works. All you have to do is to make your intention known to the universe with your thoughts and feelings and allow things come to you. You don't need to know how it's going to come to you, because the universe will open up the right doors for you towards bringing you closer to the reality you desire.


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