
New way to discover your mind's hidden power finally & allow things to start occurring as you demand

New way to discover your mind's hidden power finally & allow things to start occurring as you demand The video contains many topics actually. The 1st point is about:- Practically applying things that we watch in motivational videos by discovering ways to our subconscious's hidden powers, 2nd is about making your parents believe in your talent & third is about the real purpose of our life. To know how all these points connect, you got to watch the video till the end.

Link to my poetry video "THE HOAX OF GETTING SETTLED" :-



The biggest issue in being a success is not the outside situations but our own subconscious mind. The key is to discover that one needs to inspire their mind and make it learn things to allow those things to happen in real life.

If you want to learn more about this kind of stuff I would suggest you read books like :- The power of subconsious mind, The secret, The power and listen to spiritual videos of Sandeep Maheshwari & Sadhguru. Though just reading these won't be enough, one needs to apply it as well in their life and practice meditation too. Advising others is easy but self improvement is what is really tough. We know a lot many things but don't usually apply those in real life. I hope my video helps you to be successful in practically applying it all, use your subconscious in the best way possible and motivate you to become successful in life !!

We usually believe that life HAPPENS to us. I mean yes of course, how can anybody say it happens otherwise? Well I say that it doesn't. Life doesn't just HAPPEN, but instead, WE make it happen. Yes !! Every damn thing that happens to us is an act by ourselves and nobody else !!! Hard to believe, isn't it?

Well, read on to uncover this truth !!

1. How is everything external related to EVERYTHING INTERNAL?
Take the example of a driving CAR. The whole control is in the hands of the driver. Until the driver is happy, conscious, relaxed and careful, the car will drive its way through. Even if some other person bounces all of a sudden with their vehicle, the driver if cautious and calm would save himself.

But on the other hand, if the driver is tensed, frustrated and lost in his problems he might become the cause of the accident. He won't just destroy his life but might even destroy someone else's too.

That CAR is our life and the driver is our mind !!! Whatever goes inside the car is the reason for things happening outside the car. Similarly, whatever takes place inside us creates our reality outside us. Pretty deep !! Isn't it?

2. Who is the driver?
As explained in the above point, the overall control is in our hands but we ourselves are 95% asleep and 3.5% lost all the time. How?

It is a fact that 95% of our mind is subconscious. The subconscious pumps our blood heals our wounds and functions our internal organs but what most of the people are not aware of is that the subconscious handles not just the things taking place inside our body, but outside the body as well !!

The remaining 5% of the conscious brain is OUR CHANCE to feed the subconscious. But that too we miss on a massive scale because half the time, we are lost in our thoughts of either past or present.

Now you can analyze very well why there are so many accidents happening on the road of your life :P

3. How to wake up your sleeping driver?
By now, you might have received an idea that the major role of moulding your life is played by the subconscious as it holds 95% of your brain. Now, to tell your subconscious to furnish your life AS PER YOUR DEMAND, you will have to transmit messages to it. How to do that?

Our subconscious mind has a different way of understanding things which are as follows:-

Through images
Through daily practice
Through sounds
Through indirect codes
By being present in the moment
So to actually take the control of your life in your hand, you gotta connect to YOUR subconscious. To understand the process, read on!

4. How to bridge the gap between your conscious and subconscious?
The subconscious doesn't understand written material as much as it understands pictures. The best time to talk to your subconscious mind is 15 minutes before sleeping at night and 15 minutes after waking up in the morning. Showing pictures of whatever YOU WANT to it can be a good trick at that time.

Same you can do with the sounds which are also called affirmations.
The trick is to fool the mind to believe that you already have that which you want to receive. Imagination holds a major rule in this practice.

Read the complete article on my blog:-

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