
Play Three Fifty Six Cranes

Play Three Fifty Six Cranes In this video some dialogues in Hindi and some of in English
This play is talking about the situation of Children in War and right to imagine and creating harmony of peace ..
Preamble of the play
Violence and every other kind of war reside deep in our mind and are always in desperate quest to rise. We need to continuously plant a beautiful garden of peace from the deepest roots of it, up to the apex in order to put it to a deep sleep forever. In the history of our evolution, the ignorance about each other’s traditions and style of living has often proved to be the cause of notion and disbelief and have even become the reason for wars and social conflicts. Amidst world wars and various regional social conflicts these reasons seem to prevail even today. An enduring harmony of peace could be established only on the foundations of justice and critical consciousness and socio- economic cohesion of humans. It seems impossible to build it on political agreements alone. Enhancement of comprehensive peace should be done on the fact that whole humanity is one, and in the words of Tagore “where world is not divided into fragments by narrow household walls”. In the words of another philosopher and social worker “if we really want to teach real peace to the world, we have to start with children”.

In the present scenario, there exist numerous such conflicts. In these situations children in their process of introspection are constructing what ideas regarding the war? Is there a concept of peace being seeded in the minds of these children? All along the history and even today, war and social conflicts exist in many corners of the world and children have been subjected to both mental and physical harassments due to these social conflicts throughout. However these children neither want war nor the destruction, they just need to play and practise for their life ahead. They are capable of solving their issues with their own imagination and creativity. Even in 21st century, despite these valuable virtues children are refrained from expressing their views and ideas on global and formal dais.

Three Fifty Six Cranes is talking about the dream of life everywhere on earth and motivating to making rest of Cranes out of one thousand paper crane of Sadako. Towards construction about harmony of peace and lives for children. The children never wants any war and any social conflicts within the lives, so why they facing always brutal wars and conflicts, this play is collaborating with the dream of Sadako and the children who facing war and conflicts now in this new world.
This play is not only to perform these stories from the wars and conflicts, this play wants to integration peace in comprehensive education and children’s right about imagine harmony of peace around us. This play is highly motivating and facilitating to children for establishing a global creative force for war free life, Harmony of peace. And world for children.

In this endeavour, as a theatre group that advocates and extends the constitutional values and values of peace through its dramatic arts and is in on a continuous walks to enhancing harmony of the human peace, we are thriving to establish and explore the relation between wars, children and the concept and establishment of peace through an experimental dialogical play ‘Three Fifty Six Cranes’. In this play, the grouped ideas and views from students, teachers and others regarding “why war should not happen”, are being put in the process of play-construction in form of dialogues and story line. This is one of the efforts among the diverse works on the establishment of harmony of peace in minds of lives.
Cast & Crew
Raina Raha Rajak
Divya Chowdhury
Nilesh Tasera
Mohit Vaishnava
Deepak Kumar
Firoz Alam
Ramratan Gugalia
Aman Tasera
Ravi Chawla
Ravi Pathak
Chitaranjan Nama
Rajkumar Rajak

See you soon...

Theatre for young aundience,play on wanr,Children's Right,Right to imagine,togatherness,Mankind,peace education,harmony of peace,blue theatre theatre,ex-tra an organisation,theatre for children,theatre for constitutional vaules,values for peace,

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