
Rich Tycoon Refuses to Spend $11 Million on Daughter's Wedding, Builds Apartments for Poor Instead

Rich Tycoon Refuses to Spend $11 Million on Daughter's Wedding, Builds Apartments for Poor Instead If you are like most people, you dream of being rich. Most people daydream about what they would do with the money. Would you build yourself a huge home? Would you purchase a fleet of luxury cars? Would you buy a new, expensive wardrobe? Would you set your loved ones up so that they could live a comfortable live, free of financial worries? Everyone has their own ideas of what they would do with their fortune. Many people say that they would donate a large chunk to charity. A man in India did more than that, and he used his daughter's wedding money to do so.

Ajay Munot is one of the wealthiest men in India. In fact, he is a billionaire. He earned the majority of his money by reselling wheat and cloth. He is also an investment and financial expert. He knows how money works. He used this knowledge to make his fortune. He wasn't born rich. He is a self-made billionaire. His business started out small. While reselling wheat and cloth can be lucrative, it certainly couldn't help him earn billions. It was is financial knowledge that helped him build his fortune.

Ajay's daughter, Sheyra Munot grew up with money. Her father had already started earning his fortune when she was born. He continued to earn money while she was growing up. She was lucky. Unlike many people in India, she was privileged. She had all of the finer things in life. She is a very lucky girl.

When a couple gets engaged, they start planning their wedding. Some people are lucky, and their parents offer to pay for the wedding. Others need to pay for the wedding themselves. Regardless of who is paying, there is usually a budget that the bride and groom-to-be must stick to. On average, couples spend between $19,000 and $32,000 on their wedding. Some people believe that this is too much money to spend on one day, and they spend less. Most people think that spending a million dollars on a wedding is insane.

When Sheyra was a little girl, her father put money aside for her wedding. Her father put much, much more than that aside for his daughter's wedding. He took $11 million from his fortune and put it away for his daughter's wedding. This kind of money could pay for hundreds of beautiful weddings. Ajay didn't care. He wanted only the best for his daughter.

When the day came that Sheyra met the man of her dreams, she introduced him to her father. Shortly after, the love of her life proposed. She was so excited. She was going to marry the man of her dreams, and have a beautiful, multi-million dollar wedding. When she started planning her wedding, Ajay told her that his plans for her wedding fund had changed.

Ajay decided that rather than spending so much money on a wedding that would last one day, he would give it to those who needed it the most. There are plenty of homeless people in India. There are some who have a roof over their head, but they live in slums. Many people live in homes with no electricity, no running water, and are very unsanitary. Ajay wanted to do something to help these people, and he was going to use some of his daughter's wedding fund to make it happen. This rich tycoon refuses to spend $11 million on daughter's wedding, builds 90 apartments for the poor instead.

Ajay planned a major construction project. He wanted to build homes for the less fortunate residents of India. He built 90 homes, and he is in the process of building 18 more. Each of the houses is small. They are about 12-feet by 20-feet. Each home has just two windows. You might think that this isn't much, but for the people who live in the slums or on the streets, these houses are everything. They have electricity and running water, which are luxuries for many. The houses are in neat rows, and there is a small outdoor area for each resident to enjoy. The units are brown and white, and they have yellow numbers to mark each house. There is a brown staircase leading up to each door, and they have curb appeal. The people who were lucky enough to be given one of these houses couldn't believe their luck. To be given a free home that is clean meant the world to each of them.

Sheyra felt no ill will toward her father for spending her wedding fund money to build houses for those in need. In fact, she was grateful. She even incorporated his gesture into her wedding day. On the day that she was married, before the wedding, she and her father handed each family the key to their new home. Sheyra's fiance was also part of the incredible moment. What will be Sheyra's wedding anniversary will be a day that none of these families will ever forget.

Her father's project creates housing for the needy cost about $3 million. That left $9 million from the original $11 million for her wedding. You can plan an amazing wedding with $9 million, so Sheyra certainly didn't lose out on too much. She had her dream wedding knowing that many poor people in India were sleeping soundly in their new homes.

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