
Sennebogen 870E Hybrid material handler, Nicola Samyn Overslagbedrijf

Sennebogen  870E Hybrid  material handler, Nicola Samyn Overslagbedrijf Video of the mobile Sennebogen 870E Hybrid material handler of Nico la Samyn Overslagbedrijf ( It is working in the port of Gent. It is loading ships with woodships.

The Sennebogen is fitted with a B24 boom and has a main boom of 13,5 meter and stick of 12,3 meter. So it can loads ships with a capacity of 18.000 ton and 21 meter wide. Thanks to the 2 meter pylon it can pick up the wood ships over the wall where the material is stored.

Thanks to the hydraulic raised cabine and camera's the operator has good sight. The mobile Sennebogen 870E Hybride has in this application a capacity of 120 m3/hour. The material has an weight of 350 kg./m3. It is fitted with a 10 m3. J&B LHL 140 grab. Thanks to the Sennebogen Hybrid Green Energy Recovery system which use an cylinder which stores energy in accumulatiers when the boom is lowered and later given back, it results in very low fuel fuel consumption.

Sennebogen 870E material handler,Sennebogen 870E hybrid material handler,Sennebogen 870E mobile material handler,Sennebogen,Sennebogen material handler,Sennebogen 870E overslagmachine Nicola Samyn,material handler,oveslagmachine,material handling,overslagkraan,cargo handling,Sennebogen 870E overslagkraan,Sennebogen overslagkraan,Nicola Samyn overslagbedrijf,Sennebogen 870E Hybrid,

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