
Sri Lanka: At least 15 dead after police raid Islamist hideout | DW News

Sri Lanka: At least 15 dead after police raid Islamist hideout | DW News At least fifteen people, including six children, are dead after Sri Lankan police raided a suspected Islamist hideout. The country's been scrambling to crack down on extremist militants since the bombings that killed more than 250 people on Easter Sunday. The so-called Islamic State has taken responsibility for the attacks, and Sri Lanka's President has promised to search every household until all those linked to the attacks are found.

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Sri Lanka,Sri Lanka Easter attacks,Sri Lanka Easter bombings Sri Lanka Easter Sunday attacks,Sri Lanka bombings,Sri Lanka police raid,Sri Lanka Islamists,Sri Lanka Islamic State,Sri Lanka ISIS,Sri Lanka IS,Sri Lanka suicide bombing,Sri Lanka Easter attack suspects,Sri Lanka news,Sri Lanka terror attacks,Sri Lanka hideout,Deutsche Welle,DW,DW News,

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