
What happens if paper proves the originality of medicines ??

What happens if paper proves the originality of medicines ?? Each year, fake or substandard medications kill more than 300,000 people worldwide. Many of these falsified drugs are dispensed in developing countries, where they can either directly harm users or deprive them of needed treatment. Scientists have created a cheap and simple paper test card that can quickly screen medications in real time.Now fake antibiotics drugs will be identified in minutes

Those who sell counterfeit medicine should be careful now. Because now there is something like that in the market that will look at the medicines to tell if this medicine is real or fake. Scientists have developed a paper-based investigation system to check the authenticity of antibiotics, which will be known in a few minutes if the medication is genuine or fake.

This paper turns into a special kind of red color when the drug is fake. In developing countries, mass production and distribution of poor drugs is largely done. World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that around 10 per cent of medicines can be bogus all over the world, and 50 per cent of them are in antibiotic form. Fake antibiotics not only threaten the life of the patient but also causes large-scale problems of antimicrobial resistance throughout the world.

Researchers have developed a paper-based investigation, which can quickly be ascertained whether the medication is genuine or whether things like baking soda have been mixed in it.

\chemistry\,\headline science\,\american chemical society\,\drugs\,\fake drugs\,\analytical chemistry\,fake antibiotics drugs\,\identified in minutes\,\Scientists\,\medicine\,\World Health Organization\,\antimicrobial resistance\,\BB News\,\BB News Update\,\BBNews\,\bbnews\,\News Channel in Hindi\,\Entertainment News\,\Shocking News\,\Ajab Gajab News\,\World news\,\Hamara Apna News\],

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