
Are We Accountable To Ourselves?

Are We Accountable To Ourselves? Why is it so much easier to hit goals and get stuff done when you’re accountable to someone other than yourself?

Think about it, when your boss gives you a deadline… You hit it. Whatever it takes. But how long do we tell ourselves we’re gonna start a new workout regime, or map out our goals properly, or start learning how to build an online business…? Yet we never get round to it.

MONTHS pass, and we’re no further forwards. Imagine leaving that work deadline for months… Wouldn’t happen, cos we’d be out of a job.

So, I have a theory about why we’re willing to let ourselves down like this, and a solution to help you hit your own goals no matter what it takes with the same fire under your ass as if your boss had given you a key deadline with a promotion at the end of it.

Cos let’s be honest, your goals and targets for yourself and your life are far more important than your boss’ goals and targets…

Title: Black/Yellow: Accountability is key

When we’re accountable to someone else, suddenly there are many more consequences to not doing what we say we’re gonna do:

We don’t know how they’ll perceive us
We don’t necessarily know how they’ll react
We have to live up to the identity that we’re projecting out to the world
Our values may fall into question

Humans are social creatures. We have deeply ingrained programming that encourages us to behave certain ways while interacting with other humans.

But these rules don’t apply when it’s only us in the mix. If we’re only accountable to ourselves, we’re already CERTAIN about how we’ll respond. We can make the risk analysis (which from a social aspect is zero), and we already subconsciously decide from the word go that we’re willing to accept the consequences of not following through.

Because we’re certain of how we’ll react, we’re certain that we can deal with it.

But if we leverage our need for SIGNIFICANCE, and we leverage our need for CONNECTION, we can make sure that we’re driven by these needs and our inbuilt programming that supports those needs while achieving our goals.

Title: Black yellow: Get an accountability buddy

So if you don’t have someone else who’s holding you accountable to achieving your goals, then you’re absolutely missing a trick.

When I publicly announce my stuff, I work many times harder to achieve it than when it’s only me I’ll be letting down.

Logically doesn’t make sense… But that’s how humans tick. So swing the scales seriously in your favour. Stack the consequences of failure far higher by leveraging accountability, and you’ll start achieving so much more.

Not willing to hold yourself accountable to your goals publicly or to another person? Then you’re willing to fail to avoid feeling embarrassed or humiliated, far more than you actually want to achieve your goals.

Title: Black/Yellow: That’s the truth.

It might be time to reassess whether you actually want what you’re saying you want. Because if you do, but you’re not willing to put anything on the line to achieve it, then either you don’t really want it or you have an almost certain chance of failing to achieve it because you’re not willing to back yourself.

You’ll quit when it gets hard, you’ll procrastinate for months, and you won’t do what it takes. If that’s your truth, own it. Because until you own it, you can’t change it.

Get an accountability buddy :) This might help:

➡️ ⬅️

#unleashyou,Responsibility,Accountability,Leadership,success,accountable,simon sinek,self help,responsible,leadership,character education,psychology,accountability,take responsibility,happiness,productivity tips,how to be productive,productivity hacks,productive,time management,how to be more productive,be more productive,Dan Holloway,Scrap the 9 to 5,affiliate marketing,online business,entrepreneurship,entrepreneur,Dan Holloway Scrap the 9 to 5,

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