
Everything, every single VKontakte is the same - there are no opinions of people, something

Everything, every single VKontakte is the same - there are no opinions of people, something Google tranlate:
Hi, I am Russian, and this is a Russian-to-English translation of one of my videos in Russian on my youtube channel, I do this so that the people of the USA know why Russia is evil, why it is necessary to be against Russia, why Russians are evil, who are Russians and what is russia and why one should never come to russia

This is a Google translation because I don’t know English and because I need to commit suicide soon. For another translation, you can use the original text.
Original text:
Все, все до единого вконтакте одинаковое - нет мнения людей, чего то объемного, все, абсолютно все одно и то же, мнений там нет, там одно быдло

russia evil,evil,

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