When I first started looking into purchasing my own personal care (skincare and makeup) products, I wanted to get something that was low in plastic and other waste, as well as had a low carbon impact. When I started to look into 'package free' or low waste products, I realized that a lot of them were not very transparent in where or how they sourced the ingredients that went into making their products, as well as the treatment of the workers involved. After a lot of research: both online and going into low waste/bulk stores in the Vancouver area and having conversation with people involved in the making of some of these waste free personal care products and examining the different factors that should be considered when looking at the overall environmental impact of a product.
I was recently asked to talk about that, and what information and company I ultimately found to fit what I was looking for in terms of strict environmental policies, and so that is what this video is about.
I started to look into the environmental policies of a company called 'Arbonne'. I found out they had been prioritizing taking care of people and the planet through using clean and safe products for almost 40 years. I had already been using some of their products, but I had no idea the company had such a strong environmental commitment. They do package some of their nutrition and make up in non-recyclable plastic, (which is ultimately something I want to move away from com but I'm really excited that they are currently working on reducing that, and will be 100% waste free by 2030, and 50% of that will be done by 2025.