
Fixing Deadlift Form: Starting Strength Week 3 - Serious deadlift back rounding

Fixing Deadlift Form: Starting Strength Week 3 - Serious deadlift back rounding The week 3 review of my new Starting Strength workout program and it's all about fixing my deadlift form. I recently posted a full workout video of a full session of the Starting Strength program that I'm following and was shocked to see the serious deadlift back rounding.

It's definitely time to try and fix it. I've added deadlifts on to the end of todays workout with light weights and regular video reviews to try and improve it. It's getting there slowly but I'm still pretty disappointed and it needs a lot of improvement.

The back rounding has gone a away a little bit but it's definitely still there. I'm also having a problem where i seem to use my legs too much at the start and the end up having to finish the rep with just my back.

I've widened my stance, widened my grip and tried to focus on keeping my head angle down and not using my legs too much at the start.

Let me know what you think


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