Have you ever thought about how your early money memories might impact your life? I'm specifically referring to an early interaction with money that left a big impression on you. If you're not sure what I mean or why it matters, what I'm describing here is a process where the interactions you have with money when you're really young, form part of what's called your earliest money paradigm.
This paradigm shapes everything about your interaction with the world around money and these ideas get solidified when we're really young. So I'd like you to try and go back, and see if you can remember your earliest interaction with money because these events can have a huge impact on your life. When these money interactions go unchallenged, especially if you've had a negative interaction with money, then they start to form part of your money paradigm. This means you carry beliefs about money that show up in your money patterns as you're growing up and they also continue on as you're an adult.
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