But having ONE person carry the responsibility of those things is tough which is why it's so valuable to you AND YOUR PARTNER to have a doula that can bring in experience and skill into the birth space while your partner brings history and love. Together, they cancel out fear to help give you a POSITIVE BIRTH EXPERIENCE!
Some things you'll love to have:
Megafood Baby and Me Prenatal -
Birth Ball -
Ginger Chews for nausea -
ALL my Pregnancy Must Haves -
Nursing Pads and Gel Pads -
Tucks Wich hazel pads -
Nursing Bras-
ALL my Postpartum Essentials -
Hatch Baby Sound Machine -
Diaper Backpack -
The BEST Lanolin (for diaper rash, eczema, dry skin) -
ALL my Baby Faves -
All information provided in this video should never replace the advice of your doctor. Always direct questions to your care provider regarding your specific situation.
I am a birth doula in the San Francisco Bay Area! For more information and resources, come find me at