
Few, A few, The Few/ Little, A Little, The Little- Adjectives- Parts of Speech- by Muhammad Tayyab

Few, A few, The Few/ Little, A Little, The Little- Adjectives- Parts of Speech- by Muhammad Tayyab Difference between few, A few, the few and little a little and the little
All these are adjective because they take nouns with them.
Few boys and little rice.
Few, A few and the few:-
Few, A few and the few are used with Countable nouns(the nouns that can be counted)
They are only used with plurals.
Few students and few books. (Here few has been used with countable nouns "students and books)
Little, A little and the little:-
These are used with Uncountable nouns(Uncountable nouns are taken as singular)
Examples :-
Little hope and little rice (Here little has been used with Uncountable nouns "hope and rice" are Uncountable nouns)
I have few friends.
I have read few books.
A few:-
I have a few friends.
I have read a few books.
The few:-
The few friends I had left me.
The few students I know are very hard working.
The few persons I know are very rich.
There is little hope of his recovery.
A little:-
There is a littlehope of his recovery.
There was a little water in it.
The little :-
The little hope of his recovery had lost now.

Muhammad Tayyab is public speaker, teacher and trainer. He shares motivational speeches and inspirational videos to help us organize our thoughts, manage stress, handle depression and get success, happiness and contentment. He discusses life changing ideas to restore balance of our lives. He conducts sessions to emphasize the need for positive thinking in creating peace for ourselves and society, in building relationships and in choosing personal growth and contentment. Moreover, it encompasses all levels of English language including parts of speech, grammar, linguistics and all its branches along with many other areas of knowledge.

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