
How does Fear present itself in your life?

How does Fear present itself in your life? Living with Fear in your life is a fact of life no one can avoid. It is a necessary part of physical world living, however, we don’t need to suffer from it and we certainly don’t need to allow it to control our life experience.

Fear is a player in your life, but do you know how it presents in your life? It is Anger, frustration, self judgement of the judgement of others. Is it a need to put others down, or stop others from accomplishing their goals? Does it present as complaining about everything going on around you, loneliness or even arrogance?

For anyone wanting to rid their lives of Fear, the first step is to Recognise how Fear presents in your life. Bring your conscious awareness to what is happening within you by Recognising the Fear as the emotional state within you, then Reflect on what you choose to experience instead of the Fear, and Resolve the Fear through the offering of Love to the situation or experience.

It is your choice whether you wish to experience Fear in your Life or not. Only you can make that choice, as you are the only creator of your life experience.

Choose Love, Every time.

If you want to live without fear go to

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