The ancient Stoics argued that living a virtuous life means “living in accordance with nature”. Now, what did they exactly mean by this? Are we to follow our instincts like animals do? Or Should we live a nature-friendly lifestyle? In this video, I explore what the ancient Stoics were up to.
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Cuts, voice, footage, scripy by Einzelgänger. I used creative commons (links below) and some material from Pixabay (links available upon request).
Music used:
The Tower Of Light - Turn The Tower Of Light - Flecks of Light
stoicism,stoicism living in accordance with nature,zeno of citium,diogenes laertius,joannes stobaeus,practical stoicism,how to be a stoic,how to not care what others think,how to stop caring what people think of you,self actualization,psychology,stoicism and the art of not caring,stoic,marcus aurelius meditations,epictetus philosophy,Einzelgänger,seneca,on the shortness of life,living in agreement with nature,stoicism the art of not caring,stoic exercises,