
Look Up! Are you aware of the types of geo-engineering? Is it good or bad for Earth?

Look Up! Are you aware of the types of geo-engineering? Is it good or bad for Earth? Look Up! is a music video that suggests that its worthwhile to become aware of the phenomena known as geo-engineering, chem-trails and/or stratospheric aerosol spraying.

Many people don't know anything about geo-engineering. Is it good or bad for the planet? It's a highly debatable topic that requires much research to get to the truth. "Look it Up" and discover your own truth about it.

By Eric Brandt - 2016 LOOK UP!!
V 1 - I remember as a boy laying on my back out in the fields – staring into the clear blue sky gazing at the clouds drifting by – watching those jets fly so high – seeing their exhaust fumes swallowed by the deep blue sky
V 2 – For about 20 years or more – We’ve watched those chem-trails pour and soar - and we wondering what the hell for? - theories about them started knocking at our door – we let it all in and shook em down - looking for the core – gone where are the clear blue skies we adore?
V 3 – LOOK IT UP! – internet search - chemtrail skies
LOOK IT UP! - Geo-engineering – what a surprise!
LOOK IT UP! – contrail vs. chemtrails - disguised in the matrix lies
LOOK IT UP! – With an open mind - try to be more wise
CH 1 – What you going to do? When you realize more of the truth...
They’ve been dumping on me & you – by polluting our blue -
Our clear blue skies – are tragically in demise
V 4 - LOOK UP! - See the trails criss-crossing over your town
LOOK UP! - See the milky haze spreading all around
LOOK UP! – See toxic mist drifting down – to the ground
LOOK UP! – See our blue skies outward bound
CH 2 - What can we to do - with this bizarre news
It’ll give you the lab rat blues
Til we chose to rescue our blue
Our clear blue skies - how we going to clean our beautiful skies?
V 5 – LOOK EM UP! – Who are the puppets flying the spraying wings?
LOCK EM UP! – The sociopathic puppet masters pulling the strings
LOCK IT UP! – Find the source of poisons that they bring
LOCK EM DOWN! – Keep those planes from flying on their toxic flings
CH 3 – What I want to do – is wake up all of you
So we all can fight to renew – our precious blue
Our clear blue skies – are crying out for you & I
V 6 – in our near future – here’s what I dream that I can say –
When I get up on a new day & see no noxious clouds falling my way
I’m out into Heaven on Earth - I breath so deeply and love how we play
When it‘s a chem-trail free day – I breath so gratefully to Spirit and prayMay it always be this way
Living under clear blue skies – pure air will get us so alive and high

There is massive evidence that points to the significant unhealthy ramifications geo-engineering has on everything biological on the Earth.

Geoengineering is the intentional, large-scale technological manipulation of the Earth’s systems, often discussed as a techno-fix for combating climate change. Climate geoengineering technologies can be divided into three broad areas: so-called solar radiation management (reflecting sunlight to space), greenhouse gas removal and sequestration and weather modification.

“I believe the chemtrails are responsible for a chemical intoxication of the public, which would then cause a general immune suppression, low grade to high grade, depending on exposure. The immune dysfunction allows people to become susceptible to opportunistic infections, such as this micoplasma and other opportunistic infections”, says Dr. Horowitz




Contrails, Geoengineering, and the NATO Single Fuel Concept

Contrail Cirrus Complaints Begin Nationwide

ICAO Adopts Intentional Contrail Cirrus Geoengineering Policy
MARCH 4, 2010

FICCA COOL Project: Geoengineering with Commercial Aviation
MARCH 2013

Contrail Cirrus Cloud Seeding and Thinning

Weather Modification History (timeline)

geo-engineering,chem-trails,contrails,Stratospheric aerosol spraying,climate change,metal clouds,cloud seeding,medical negligence,involuntary treatment,

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