Instagram: @AlwaysAnise_
Twitter: @AlwaysAnise__ (two underscores)
Discounts & affiliate codes/links:
Iris beauty “Anise15” for 15% off:
Sigma Beauty “BEAUTIES10” for 10% off:
Dodolashes 5% off: BEAUTIES
If you are a company wanting me to sponsor/review your product: (serious inquiries only)
I received this product complimentary from Eylure. Find the product here:
•Editors?:IMovie, CCP
•How old r u?: 15 yrs old
•what grade are you in?: going to 10th grade
•how do you get sent so much makeup stuff? From Pr and I also use octoly :)
Current Subs :10,681
All opinions are 100% my own.
My videos are usually inspired by Dez machado, kristybae, Isabella grace, caitis corner, Vereena, Rachel Cantu, Antonio Garza and more