Art therapy is the best way to relax after a difficult day and we prepared a whole collection of drawing ideas to spend an evening. Besides, you can use all these ideas to spend time with your kids or to entertain them for hours. They will be busy creating something really special. You don’t need to buy expensive tools, use such ordinary things as forks, earbuds, drinking straws, empty toilet roll. You will learn how to create flowers, animals and abstract pictures. You can easily draw lavender using earbuds. You will be surprised to learn how to draw a cherry tree using drinking straws. Take a fork and draw tulips or even a super cute hedgehog. We share a lot of creative ideas, for example, how to create something special using popular logos. You will love the tutorials we share! It’s a cool way to boost your imagination and develop creative skills. Another way to entertain kids is to doodle on your fingers. You can create various scenes and characters. Moreover, you can create different histories or even make a film. Find a black marker and find our cool ideas: you can draw scenes about three friends that have fun together, draw a toothy fish, a lovely couple, a man jumping on a trampoline, cute Minnie Mouse or even a scene from a bank-robbing movie! Be creative and start an adventure! You will have a lot of fun with your friends!
00:09 Creative logo ideas
02:03 How to draw a Donald Duck
03:40 Art ideas for kids
07:27 Bubble drawing
08:55 Doodle adventures
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