
Did You Overlook This Crucial First Step In Your PhD Job Search? #AskCheeky

Did You Overlook This Crucial First Step In Your PhD Job Search? #AskCheeky Free, 40 Top Industry Career Tracks For PhDs Webinar TODAY, July 29th @1PM & 9PM EDT, Reserve seat here:

Not knowing where to start is the number one reason, month-over-month, that holds PhDs back in their job search. We ask this question frequently in the Cheeky Scientists Association and on our public webinars. Again and again people say “I just don't know where to start”.

This really has to do with you not knowing what job opportunities are out there, not knowing what job positions are right for you, and not really knowing what career tracks to pursue. First and foremost don't limit yourself in terms of where you can go in industry based on your academic background. Okay everybody specializes in something very, very specific in academia, and they think that that's the only area they can get a job in. It's not true.

It's all about how you position yourself. Again as a PhD, people know employers know that you can learn anything. What they want to know is whether or not you have the communication skills, the soft skills, the ability to recognize that those are important in industry.

How do you figure out where to start? Start by figuring out the professional lifestyle that's important to you. The professional lifestyle that you want to pursue. Most PhDs make the mistake of going after a shiny job title, something that sounds impressive like management consulting or medical science liaison. They don't think about what those jobs actually entail. So ask yourself what professional lifestyle do you want?

Free, 40 Top Industry Career Tracks For PhDs Webinar TODAY, July 29th @1PM & 9PM EDT, Reserve seat here:

Cheeky scientist,cheeky scientist association,CS Association,Isaiah Hankel,PhD,phd jobs,STEM,STEM jobs,postdoc,postdoc jobs,resume writing,resume guides for phds,gradschool,leaving academia,careers for phds,jobs in science,networking,industry jobs,industry jobs for phds,women in STEM,altac,postac,AskCheeky,

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