
How To Establish Your Art Marketing Mindset

How To Establish Your Art Marketing Mindset In this video you'll discover how to establish your art marketing mindset.

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A lot of artists don't like all that song and dance stuff. Our minds are wired to create. Not all of us are natural masters at taking the show on the road, so to speak. This fear of marketing is partly due to not actually understanding what marketing is all about.

Mind you, it's not surprising that a lot of us have difficulty blowing our own trumpets when it comes to self-promotion. Many of us had it ingrained into us very early in the game with little reminders such as: "Stop showing off, Allan".

In terms of being an artist operating a business for profit, marketing is essentially the heart that keeps the creative body moving in the right direction economically.

In other words, marketing is essential for you to progress as an artist. So now more than ever, you have to "Start showing off, Allan!"

The core message is however - love what you do, do it well, and show people the value in what you do so they can see how it will benefit their own lives.

As for branding...

Business "branding" is really all about consistency. It's about fulfilling expectation and creating recognition.

If you have discovered your calling as an artist on a creative level, work at maintaining that consistency.

Additionally, try to be consistent with your marketing message, how you communicate to your audience and how you go about operating your business in general. For example: put that same logo or signature on your business cards, letterheads, fliers, banners, signs, your website and in your advertising.

Consistency, in your audience's eyes, maintains an element of warmth, familiarity and a sense of feeling welcomed.

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