
How To Make Eggs Over Easy | Rockin Robin Cooks

How To Make Eggs Over Easy | Rockin Robin Cooks Making eggs over easy is a snap. You just need to know a few things and your eggs will turn out perfect. Watch and I'll show you how.
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Bacon Lettuce & Tomato Salad with Egg on Top

How To Cook An Egg Over Easy

Ingredients and Tools:
1 pastured egg
Butter from pastured raised cows
Salt and pepper to taste
Small nonstick frying pan
Heat resistant rubber spatula
Small separate bowl

Crack your egg into the separate bowl and remove any shells if they happen to get in there. Use the eggshell itself to remove any bits of shell in the egg as it is the easiest way to remove them.

Place the frying pan over low heat and add about a tablespoon of butter to it. Once the butter is melted and becomes foamy it’s time to add the egg.

Pour the egg gently into the pan and use the spatula to sort of round up the egg so it doesn't spread out all over the pan. It’s easier to turn the egg over if it’s about 4 or 5 inches in diameter.

You’ll cook the egg on the first side for a couple of minutes or until the egg whites turn from clear to white, especially the part near the yolk. You want to cook the egg low and slow so the whites cook but the yolk stays soft and runny. If the pan seems too hot, simply remove it from the heat for a few seconds.

When you are ready to flip it over you can either toss it in the pan the way I did or use a spatula or two to gently turn it over. The goal is to not break the yolk.

Once the egg is flipped over, cook it for 20 to 30 seconds and serve it up and season with salt and pepper. You can serve this with bacon and hash browns, over avocado toast or even on your favorite salad. It is delicious.

Thanks for watching and sharing!
Rockin Robin
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