
Interested in knowing how to reclaim your power and align with your purpose?

Interested in knowing how to reclaim your power and align with your purpose? Want to know the keys to reclaiming your “Priestess Power” to remove the mental, energetic and emotional obstacles that prevent you from living confidently and in alignment with your purpose?

Are you sick of spending money on spiritual courses, yoga, and healing to seek answers that don’t come because you still find yourself suffering from things like fear, overwhelm, money instability, guilt, shame, sabotage, lack of confidence, isolation, or lack of focus?

I know for me, I went down a long windy healing path for about 15 years to align with my purpose. I went to intuitive healers, trainings, and certifications. I became a yoga teacher, shamanic practitioner, and Reiki Master. Yet, I kept bumping up against roadblocks in some of these areas.

Something was missing.

I would take one step forward and several steps back. I was not making money. I was frustrated and overwhelmed. I felt like I didn’t have the support or ability to ‘make it’. I shamed and sabotaged myself. I was always hustling, but nothing was clicking. I was lacking focus, confidence and power.

Then I was hit with a MAJOR download in a sacred ceremony and received the MISSING LINK and all the pieces came together into my proven methodology of intuitive coaching + healing called, “Unleash the Priestess Within + Thrive”.

I created a roadmap that saves you the 15 years of seeking, puts you on your healing path, and creates deep healing, confidence, clarity and alignment NOW!

I took the most powerful processes that I’ve come across in ancient wisdom teachings (shamanism, yoga, meditation, reiki) and combined them with new age thought (coaching, psychology, law of attraction, shadow and inner child healing), and layered them onto an energy medicine architecture that is simple, yet powerful.

This program will bridge the gap between your subconscious patterns, behaviors and beliefs AND your conscious mind that seeks change to receive a mind-body-spirit transformation with tangible actions and sustainable lasting results.

WHY NOW? Well, TWICE A YEAR, I offer an abridged format of this that is 10 Weeks.
10 weeks of intuitive coaching + healing work. AND, its a smaller investment with less coaching. So if you aren't ready for a super deep dive, but want to dip your toes in a bit into the process, you may wish to take this version. The Early Bird Ends Aug 9th...Save $100.

Click this link for details. If you put your email in you will get FREE MEDIATION and some other cool videos OR you can PURCHASE the group package directly there as well. Up to you. ;)

healing,yoga,meditation,journaling,self realization,inner child,psychology,energy healing,energy medicine,reiki,ritual,

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