
Slender - tips for completing (read description for English tips)

Slender - tips for completing (read description for English tips) First of all, don't try this game if making you panic is easy. In it, the main difficulty is controlling yourself and knowing what to do, really.
If you don't fit this criteria, you can continue reading.
The first thing you have to do is turn off the flashlight otherwise it will die completely after about 12-15 minutes. Also, forget that the Shift button exists until you get 6 pages. Not going to explain in which directions you're supposed to go, as you can see this in the video.
At first you gotta go in the building, which is the center of the map. When you're inside, turn your flashlight on and look for a page. You have to check every single room because you won't have another chance to go there!
After the building go to the barrels nearby, before you get close to them you can turn off the flashlight. These two objects are the closest to each other in the game, but they are also the hardest ones, so it's a bad idea to go there for the last pages.
You can turn on the flashlight now. After the barrels you need to go to the tunnel, which is next to the building. If there is a page, don't collect it. Better save it for future because you will visit this landmark one more time later on. The tunnel and the pillars are also very close to each other and the pillars is not very tough, very good timing for the last pages.
From now on, you just have to go clock-wise and block Slender with trees to make him stay still, but don't look right at his face for too long.
Go to the plus sign and find Slender before starting to look for a page.
Huge stones are similar but a tiny bit easier. Once again, find Slender.
Go to the silo next. It's evil, you gotta find Slender AND block him with a tree, it should be far away from you. This is the last difficult landmark.
From that point when you have 4 pages, Slender will be more active. Page 5 is all about blocking it.
Go to the big tree and hold Slender in your sight. After getting the page, block him with this tree immediately and look at that tree as long as you can. After doing so, look around and if Slender is close to you again, start sprinting, but remember - you can't hold Shift, as your stamina sucks.
Your next goal is the red truck and the garage (?). When you're close to the truck, use it to block Slender and grab the page. Don't misclick, you can't make mistakes now!
If you have 7 pages at the moment, you will die without blocking Slender. It is faster than you now.
Go to the blue truck and do the same.
Now go back to the tunnel. This is the easiest landmark. Block Slender with everything you can, that's the key to survival. Grab the page if there is one.
Run to the pillars and don't forget to look for Slender. If it's right behind you, run from it or it will kill you almost immediately. When you see the last page, just run towards it.
This game doesn't have an ending, there is no way out the forest. Slender disappears for 15 seconds and kills you 100% of the time. If that happens, you beat the game.


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