There is a saying that ( If you THINK about using bad words or foul language and arguing with your subordinates in your MIND it doesn't harm any one as its only within you, If you express by TALKING the same thing what you had thought you had made an impact on the other person either it's good or bad it can't be taken back so we should use our words wisely when we are interacting with other in our daily interactions.
Sweet talk delights and pleases other minds, by sweet talk you can even win over enemies what to talk about colleagues you are associated with, either nice talk or bitter talk does not cost you anything but it's consequences on your team members will be different, so give up bitter talk irrespective of any situation you are in and embrace sweet talk which will win your team members hearts and give you their best for you to succeed and for them to to learn from you.
So always keep in mind a simple method to talk to your team as you would talk to your Boss. In this way you are not disrespecting any one and your relationship with fellow humans will increase immensely.
Be good, Do good & Influence the people around YOU.