
What type of content should you include on a web page?

What type of content should you include on a web page? Heyoooo, happy Tuesday and WELCOME BACK to another 'episode' of my Live Video Training Extravaganza! We're back for another week of free, daily live video training here on my Youtube channel and I'm so excited to share all this amazing content with you! Last week was just so much fun that I decided to continue these live video trainings for another week, so be sure to tune back in every day this week to watch even more of these daily lessons! If you haven't already be sure to check out all the other videos by bingeing the "Live Video Training Extravaganza" playlist.

Yesterday's live video training was all about sitemaps and the 4 most important pages that every website needs to have, and you can watch the replay here :

Alright, let's get into today's video topic.


Here's what we talked about in this video training:
-Prepare web page content out before you go to build the actual page in Squarespace (or whatever platform you're using)
-Communicate the important information to your audience : think about your dream client/customer or the people who visit your website. You want them to be absolutely sure that they're in the right place and know what you/your brand/business are all about. Don't just outline & describe what you offer or the features it has - instead, get super clear about the value, results, benefits and outcome people can expect.
-Format the web page content correctly - lots to consider on the SEO front here
-Add and incorporate visual content - videos, photos, images, graphics, icons, etc. Anything from regular images to header/banner images to background coloured sections on Index pages
-Build the web page - Squarespace Regular pages vs Squarespace Index pages.
-Always include a CTA (call to action) and email list opt-in on every web page that you build

Launch Your Best Site (email course) :
Squarespace SEO Checklist :

Have a topic that you want me to cover? Any questions you want answered in a live video training? Want me to dive into a strategy or tactic? I'd love to hear from you so leave me a note in the comments below or send me an email - I'm always open to suggestions and want to make the best, most useful/valuable content for you!

If you liked Tuesday's Day 7's live video training, be sure to:
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3. Hit the SUBSCRIBE button (red button below this video)

Thanks for watching, and I'll see you back here again tomorrow! Don't forget to leave me a comment below if there's anything you want me to talk about or cover in one of these free live video trainings :)


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