
FAQ 003089 | What are the possibilities for results evaluation of line hinges?

FAQ 003089 | What are the possibilities for results evaluation of line hinges? Question:

What are the possibilities for results evaluation of line hinges?


There are several possibilities to evaluate the results of line hinges:

Graphical evaluation of results: When opening the menu item “Releases” in the Result Navigator, you can display various forces and deformations of the line releases in the graphic. 

Tabular output of results: The tables “4.45 Line Hinges - Deformations” and “4.46 Line Hinges - Forces” are available for the table evaluation. 

Evaluation by Result Diagrams: Use the shortcut menu to view the result diagram of line hinges.

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#Line_hinge #Results #Result_diagram #Evaluation

Line hinge,Results,Result diagram,Evaluation,

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