
ENGLISH 'Crying for Rain' Domestic Kanojo (Akane Sasu Sora)

ENGLISH 'Crying for Rain' Domestic Kanojo (Akane Sasu Sora) "This time, I'll take it all the way to the end."

There are some things you just can't take back.

I started reading Domestic Girlfriend about three years ago, and it remains one of my favorite series. It's one of those manga you keep expecting to end, sooner or later, but it just... keeps going. For a series that explores themes of life itself, I think that works out nicely.

I think a lot of people may have watched the anime a few seasons back, so I don't think I have to explain the song's meaning too much. It mirrors that part of the series: trying to grow up too fast and realizing your mistake, stumbling back to reclaim your lost innocence.

Except you can't. No one can. And now you're stuck, as this unfulfilled husk, drowning in others' pity.

This is the 2nd cover in the Catharsis Trilogy! It's dedicated to someone I knew— someone in such a hurry to grow up. I'm definitely not one to talk about wasted youth, but...

Don't waste your life. Don't try and skip to the end. Life is going to have good times and bad times, ups and downs, and that's okay. We all want a happy ending, but you won't get one if you try to force it. Just enjoy the ride. It'll all work out.

I'm looking to release the last song of the Trilogy in December, so it'll be a little while. That song's actually been done for over a year now, but we've been holding off on releasing it. We worked really hard on it, and it means a lot to us, so we want it to be special.

Editor's Note: after effects can suck my dick

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Vocals: Akane Sasu Sora (...)
Lyrics: Akane Sasu Sora (...)
Mixing: Sleeping Forest (
Tuning: BriCie (
Filming/Editing: Ely (

This video was funded by Patreon! (

Want a Download? Donate $1 to my Ko-Fi with an attached email, and you'll get one! Or, become a $3+ Patron on Patreon for unlimited access to the mp3 archive! (

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"Innocent, cruel, even so...
...You have to be beautiful..."

No destiny could bring us together.
If that's the way that things are meant to be,
then maybe we'd be better if we never see
each other, 'cause underneath it all,
I'm sick of almost everything.

Déjà vu. What do you keep going on about?
You've said and done so many selfish things.
Haven't you taken all that you can take by now?
But even though all that's true,
somehow I can't seem to hate you...

I know...
"I don't wanna' hear you say the same old shit again..."
This time I'll take it all the way to the end!

I don't care if there's a way you phrase it!
"Love me!", "Trust me!", I'll never take it!
If you wanna' fool around, fine with me!
Just don't kid yourself with who you'll never be!

How long will you keep trying?
How many more lying words
full of shit you don't even believe?

Either way it'll end, yeah, we already know.
Even if our words aren't our own, I'm tired
of getting my hopes up over nothing at all!
So take the hint! Just take it and don't let my rain fall!

I wish some people would just shut up.
I really don't care. Stop talking to me.
You have two words to convey what you mean.

A butterfly out in the world
never sends a text or a call.
It spreads its "wings" out...
Wouldn't you say that way's the greatest of all?

If you don't know what I mean, then just get lost!
If you're that indecisive then just fuck off!
If every word I said never meant a thing⁠—
all the care and thought, it only brought more crying
and pity! If that's true, then maybe
I'll just put my umbrella up after all!

'Cause all that I wanted was to be this way forever,
going on hoping it would get better...
But I was growing older and never
thought I couldn't turn back the clock!
So now, I pray the rain never stops...

Copy, paste, and delete...
And the pattern repeats...
Take it in... Let it out...
And that is why, becoming someone else's self...
It kills me inside!

I don't care if there's a way you say it!
"Love me!", "Trust me!", I fucking hate it!
If you wanna' fool around, fine by me!
Just don't kid yourself with who we'll never be!
How long will you keep trying?
How many more lying promises full of shit I never believed!?

Either way it'll end, yeah, I already know.
Even the words that aren't our own!
I'm tired of hurting each other and myself so much!
So I'll accept the "me" that I became and give it up!

Crying, so I keep my umbrella closed...
Let's get wet on the way home.

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i dont think i could get any more overt with the "butterfly" if i tried lmao

Cover,Akane Sasu Sora,Domestic Kanojo,Domestic Girlfriend,Kawaki wo Ameku,Crying for Rain,Wailing Thirst,English Cover,Rui Tachibana,Hina Tachibana,OP,Opening,Natsuo Fujii,

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