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"While Jesus was absent from them, and while he is engaged in ‘preparing the way before the Lord’ and before he comes to his temple, the holy spirit operates as an advocate, helper and comforter of and for all that have responded to the call for the kingdom. But when the Lord comes to his temple and gathers his approved ones into the temple, is there any further need for the office of the holy spirit as a helper or advocate? If not, then the advocacy of the holy spirit would there cease. Jesus, being in the temple and with his chosen ones, would act for them directly.
... now the Lord Jesus himself has returned, is in his temple, and, acting by and through his holy angels, puts it into the mind and heart of the remnant class to take positive action and to do a certain work;" Watchtower 1930 Sep 1 pp;262-263
"With the coming of the Lord to his temple and the gathering together unto himself of the chosen ones the holy spirit would there cease to function as a paraclete or advocate for the church. ... After the holy spirit as an advocate or paraclete ceased to function in behalf of the consecrated, then the angels are employed in behalf of those who are being made ready for the kingdom." Watchtower 1930 Jun 1 pp.166,167
"God uses angels to teach His people now on earth." The Golden Age 1933 Nov 8 p.69
"Certain duties and kingdom interests have been committed by the Lord to his angels, which include the transmission of information to God's anointed people on the earth for their aid and comfort. Even though we cannot understand how the angels transmit this information, we know that they do it." Preparation (1933) pp.36,37
"Enlightenment proceeds from Jehovah... and is given to the faithful anointed.... the remnant are instructed by the angels of the Lord. The remnant do not hear audible sounds, because such is not necessary. Jehovah has provided his own good way to convey thoughts to the minds of his anointed ones." Preparation (1933) p.64
"Judge Rutherford couldn't write these things unless he were used of God". Golden Age 1935 Oct 23 p.50
"No man can properly interpret prophecy, and the Lord sends his angels to transmit correct information to his people." Watchtower 1936 Feb 15 p.52