Men's Hair Blog:
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In order to find a hairstyle that works for you, you must first know how to determine your hair type. This is essential because each hair type moves differently, grows differently, and responds differently to men's hair products when they are used.
Unfortunately, there really is no one-size-fits-all approach for men’s hair care— unwelcome news for those looking for a quick, one-shot fix. With that being said, however, it isn’t hard to narrow down your hair type once you know the main characteristics associated with different types of natural hair.
And when it comes to creating a dapper, modern men’s hairstyle, knowing is half the battle. As soon as you are certain which of the male hair types is most similar to yours, you can stop buying products that don’t benefit your hair’s natural form and start choosing styles that compliment it.
So, what are the main types of hair men have? And what are the top styling secrets for each?
Let’s break it down.
Here are the three most common male hair types (and how to style them like a boss)