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You shouldn’t let a girl copy your test answers in the vain hope she will one day like you. What you are doing is one wrong, and two is just dumb from a transactional standpoint. Think about it this way: you’re a smart kid, it’s your one main gift in life. You probably aren’t the biggest person in school or the fastest, or the strongest, or the most charismatic but you’re the smartest. It’s the one thing you have going for you … and you’re giving it away for free. You’re risking being caught letting someone cheat in exchange for absolutely nothing other than a few pointless gestures. Maybe, just maybe you should be doing this for someone only if you are already with them.
Try saying no when she asks for help, say no when she wants to copy a test. Try this for a week or two. My guess is that all of a sudden she won’t be so friendly. And that’s fine because she isn’t entitled to the benefits of your mental gifts. All you’re doing is just devaluing your superior test scores and intelligence by helping her and others get by on life without investing as much into learning and knowledge as you have. If after everything I’ve said, nothing is getting through to you. At least think of it this way, the more of a pushover you are, giving things naively away for free, the less likely it is that she will like and respect you.
Your voice will likely improve with age as well. But remember, other than the natural changes to your voice over time there’s nothing you can do to change it. If you stay high pitched, develop a fast witted wise guy persona around it. Remember too a voice isn’t just the tone and pitch of it, *what* you say is also important. Learn public speaking, how to tell a story, keep people’s attention. Good clubs to join to learn these skills are any debate, mock judiciary, or public speaking group.
We’re also visual people, think about how you would react to a chihuahua barking at you or a massive huge dog. Same bark, but one is much more scary than the other. Similar to that, get fit, get stronger, when people see you it will put so much more weight behind what you say.
The answer to your question is both yes and no. Yes having weird hobbies and interests affects dating, but also no because if a girl likes how you look and act she will overlook and make excuses for your strange interests. If she likes you before even talking to you, she will like you after. There are girls out there who have overlooked far worse things from their boyfriends.
Music courtesy of paid license via epidemic sound.com.
Stock footage courtesy of paid license of videoblocks.com
All other art assets were commissioned on my behalf and I own the rights to.