
5 Signs Of Envy That You Should Know

5 Signs Of Envy That You Should Know 5 Signs Of Envy That You Should Know

We all get a bit jealous at times. Jealousy in itself is very normal, it’s very natural, but if you aren’t capable to manage feelings of jealousy, you run the risk of becoming an envious person …that's the point where the problems begin.

You can define envy as being resentful toward those who are more fortunate than you. Envy is difficult to manage, in part because it’s hard to admit that you harbor such a socially unacceptable emotion. Your discomfort causes you to conceal and deny your feelings, and that makes things worse. ..that's why it’s important to know the signs of an envious person.
In this video I share with you 5 signs of an envious person.

You can watch the video 'How To Deal With Insecurity, Jealousy And Envy' here:

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