If you have thyroid disease including autoimmune Hashimoto’s disease or Graves disease, then struggling with sleep or Insomnia is no stranger to you-and If your are interested in learning what might be causing your sleep problems then stay tuned because in today’s video I will be sharing 6 things that I have seen over an over causes sleeping problems with my patients. ……..
Whether this insomnia just started or you have struggled with it for 10, 20, 30 years, I want to share with you some of the things I think about, that are often missed by traditional doctors.
So in today’s video I will share with you some of the reasons why you struggle with
falling asleep, staying asleep, or both.
In this video I will talk about
1- Some the underlying metabolic conditions that cause sleep disturbances
2-Some of the supplements that can help with sleep
3- Foods you should eat when sleeping is a problem and finally
4-Some lifestyle tips to implement today when it comes to sleeping.
Links Mentioned in Todays Video
High Cortisol Affects on Thyroid Function
How Stress and Adrenal Problems cause and contribute to Thyroid Disease
How to Raise Low Dopamine Levels
Tips To Balance Blood Sugar before going to bed-
Recommended Supplements-
Inflammatory Support- Inflammation can cause Insomnia and many other problems, Chronic Inflammation is one of the root causes of many Chronic Health problems.
Adrenal Gland Support For more advanced cases of Adrenal Fatigue
For Those with morning, mid mid morning and mid afternoon Fatigue-
GABA Support- Helps Decrease the affects of High Night Time Cortisol, May Support and balance Glutamate/GABA levels-Low GABA levels have been associated with Insomnia
Great Formulation to help with more challenging cases of sleep
Phosphatidyserine- Helps attenuate High Night Time Cortisol Levels that may Cause Sleeping Problems
Liver Support
Herbal Support For Estrogen Dominance
These recommendations have not been approved by the FDA. They are not designed to cure any health ailments. You should read the information on each of these as there may be contraindications.