then ever cause now these dumb children expose themselves TO these online preditors that now actively seek them with fake accounts
or girls and boys luring them... so fuck them edo-mites what they are doing is blocking the truth away from the impressionable children
When they are young they learn quicker and are more quick to absorb what you are teaching them and when they get old they will not go
away from it.. so if you teach them homosexuality is bad then they will have a different view on it but if you teach them it is good
then they will think it is normal and THAT is why they want us to now block them from accessing our videos...
You have to understand we are dealing with the race of SATAN here, they are very deceptive, this children online protection thing MIGHT
SEEM AS a good thing for worried people that want their children safe from certain content BUT these edo-mites are master DEVILS
and DECEIVERS... for example, they say send money so we can help the dogs in third world countries so that they do not get killed
And have a place to stay but in their OWN countries the rules of the pounds are that if you dont pick up a dog or cat within 72 hours minimum?
The will euthanize the dog or cat which means put them to sleep with an injection which means KILLING THEM!
So? NOW? Why are you asking money for other countries to safe and keep THEIR pets alive but in your own countries you are murdering the pets?
The answer is simple the money you sent a large % of it is going into their pockets, it is a scam that looks promising but it is all special effects and fakeness
They go to a country and make a few videos how they so called help the animals and then they leave and collect the money off of your own pity
same thing with the church of scientology which this female "Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath" brought out
She said that they go to places and stage the scene where they help people and give false testimonies how scientology helped them
and then they leave that area and never return... and then wait until you send your checks or cash or bank transfers etc.
It is a big scam but they use television "tell a vision"
and dont forget how they have LYING TONGUES so their visions that they tell through the screen? ARE LIES!