

LOVE ONE ANOTHER ONLINE John 13:35 - “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Online is our greatest tool to show others the love of God, but it starts with the love we show towards one another.

This is just a SMALL insight of my experience online for the past 10 years. I could tell you so many stories and heartbreaking situations. And truly is the grace of God I’m still in church and still present online. However, I have so many more positive stories that help me press on!

In 10 years, I’ve pretty much never shared these situations or put others “on blast” who have treated me as such. I don’t want that to be what I’m known for. I want to focus on the good. However, it’s one thing when it’s people who don’t know God, it’s another for those who claim to love God.

It shouldn’t have to get to the point of “blocking” our “brothers and sisters”.

How do we handle hate? With love. But love is also truth. There is a pharisaical spirit that has been roaming free online for too long. Do not be ruled by it. Recognize when people are ruled by it and are in the wrong.

See the best in people. Message and comment things that encourage and uplift!

I love you all. I’m here for you. I’m sorry if I was ever operating in this spirit. I’m sorry if you’ve been victim of it. We can overcome it and show the world we are His!

#ththought #christian #apostolic #beapostolic #apostolicpentecostal #pentecostal #faith #Jesus #christianity #loveGod #lovePeople


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