
Our active family: Teaching our kids to love their bodies!

Our active family: Teaching our kids to love their bodies! Real talk: Many of us are in a really difficult season of life to stay active. Our bodies are changing with each baby we have, we are up in the night running on little sleep, we give so much energy to our spouses and kids and have only a little left over for ourselves. I am right there with you mama. But as a former college athlete I’ve learned the importance of moving your body and using it for good no matter the season of life you are in.

— I am beyond excited to team up with @amazon to encourage you to keep showing up as you try to live an active lifestyle. Because you are worth the fight, and so are the little ones watching you.
Raising daughters is a privilege I don’t take lightly. I want them to be full of gratitude for their bodies, not for what they look like, but for what they CAN DO! Growing up, I was raised by a mama who didn’t own a scale, who didn’t talk negatively about her body, but who woke up very early every morning and exercised so that she could cook her five kids a hot breakfast and show up for them in the way she wanted to.
Whatever your life looks like right now, if you can move - move. If you can think - think positively. And if the only thing you can do is breath - then take a few deep breaths and appreciate the life and health you have.
If you are looking for the perfect fitness gift this holiday season you will without a doubt find it on @amazon. The Active Lifestyle Gift Guide has made it soo easy to support you and the goals of your loved ones this holiday season! You all know my loooove for Amazon, and they’ve created a perfectly curated selection of items all in one spot. You’ll find everything from the dumbbells I use in my living room to my favorite BOB jogging stroller. I hope you find something you love that will help you or someone else simply keep showing up. Whatever you can do right now — let your kiddos see you move your body, respect your body, and celebrate your body! Just the way my mama did for me. It will bless your life!
xoxo, Shan


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