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So this is the first ever like real traditional like real blog on the channel. So I want these to be, this is Leeor Alexandra, many of you may know her and we are about to go to the Tulum Mayan ruins. We've been in Tulum for about a month now.
Let me show you around a little bit what we've been in Tulum for. I dunno, half about a month we've been to for a week. She's all right. I don't know why I kind of went on autopilot there for a second. Anyways, the thing I kind of wanted to talk about, I want to talk about a mixture of two things.
So first off, the Vlogs that I do, I want them to be a little bit different than the traditional blogs, but I mean by that is that I want to focus on still adding value. Still still something to learn versus just like, Oh, look at what I'm eating. This is my food. Hey, cool. Or like, Oh look, this is where we are.
You should want to come here to more so like maybe kind of what it's like or, um, like what we're learning in the process. So for, for me, for example, coming to to loom has a, the thing I kind of want to like have the theme of this blog is understanding this connection that we have to what are called parallel incarnation.
So normally people call these past lives, but actually they're parallel incarnations because all energy exists here and now. So I felt a connection to Tulum and the Mayan pyramids. I'll tell that story a little bit about it later. Actually a little bit about it now. So the Tulum pyramids, that's on that of, I'm not the pyramids, the Tulum like ruins, it's right on the beach.
That was my wallpaper for years and I never knew what it was. I just felt the connection to it to find out that, um, that that's actually here. And this is a place that Leo was saying that, uh, we should go and right. We're going to be here for about a month and at the three weeks.
Let me just show you around though because I don't want to get too much into explaining things when it's more about showing for Vlog. So this is the Airbnb right here. What you'll see is there's the pool. Um, one thing I really like is the grass.
This is the hammock been there once. It's really nice and then there's a lot of bugs and mosquitoes so you don't, you're not actually outside as much as you think that you'd be, but the thing that's really nice about this place is that, uh, how open it is. So I'll show you upstairs in a minute. This is the living room right now.
You've got the Jaguar right there. Um, a lot of the work that we do, we have to go to this place that's down the street called deer. Tulum is really cool. It's a co-working space. This is a, which means they have good wifi so that we can post videos and stuff. So when we're chilling, this is what it looks like, which is a, it's pretty cool how open it is.
Let me show you my room right over here. And she's my room. So that's where I meditate right over there. This is the, um, the bed of course. And then there's like an open little closet right here. All my clothes and stuff, you know, everything has been packed out of uh, uh, my house and into a two big loo, uh, suitcases.
Then this is the, um, shower stuff. That's the shower right there. Little toilet over here. Do you want to see upstairs? Okay, look, this little bathroom right here. It's pretty simple. So this is going upstairs. Now up here there's two more rooms. There's a little bathroom right there. Loft area. This is where some times watch Netflix or something.
So there's one of the other rooms right here. And this is where you keep like the, keep all the equipment stuff. Is it a luggage? Is the luggages okay? Coming in. So this is the oars room. Look at all of this. This is her little Zen spot right here. And then this is the view of the balcony.
She got the better robe obviously also because my kind of smells funky because of the steward I do. I this thing where I really like being on a fur. I like one story houses. I like everything I have to go upstairs. I know that's a weird thing to like....
Adventures by A Himitsu
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