
Publicis Media CEO Tim Jones on Advancing Diversity in Media

Publicis Media CEO Tim Jones on Advancing Diversity in Media As someone who immigrated to the United States and became a citizen, Publicis Media, Americas, chief executive officer Tim Jones has a personal connection to the diversity and inclusion (D&I) issues making headlines today. That connection, and his belief in our founding doctrine of embracing all people, are clear through his participation in organizations such as Autism Speaks, for which he’s a member of its board, and myriad programs instituted at Publicis.

Jones, will be inducted in to the Advancing Diversity Hall of Honors conducted by MediaVillage on January 8 at CES, along with seven others who have stood out by accelerating the move from advocacy to activism. Jones, who serves as a conduit for many of diverse voices at the agency group, aims to ensure he amplifies their messages throughout the organization to drive real action. He loaned his voice to this Advancing Diversity podcast episode with E.B. Moss, head of content strategy for MediaVillage, discussing both his origins and the origins of some of Publicis Media initiatives created to help diverse talent get hired by our industry and be heard – and why they strive to even take that message to Washington, DC, as well.


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