
Religion in North Macedonia Religion en Macédoine du Nord الدين في شمال مقدونيا Feja në Maqedoni

Religion in North Macedonia Religion en Macédoine du Nord الدين في شمال مقدونيا Feja në Maqedoni In North Macedonia, the most common religion is Orthodox Christianity, practiced by most of the ethnic Macedonians. The vast majority of the Orthodox Christians in the country belong to the Macedonian Orthodox Church, which declared autocephaly from the Serbian Orthodox Church in 1967.

Muslims are the second-largest religious group with almost one-third of the population adhering to Islam, mainly from the country's Albanian, Roma and Turkish minorities. There are also many other religious groups in North Macedonia, including the Catholic Church, Protestantism, and Judaism.

In 2011, through a survey carried out by Ipsos MORI, the religious composition of North Macedonia was found to be 70.7% Christian, divided in 69.6% Eastern Orthodox and 0.4% Catholics and Protestants, and 28.6% Muslim, with unaffiliated Muslims making up the 25.6%.[1]

Islam has had a significant influence in North Macedonia since the Ottoman invasions in the 14th and 15th centuries. Many Turks settled in the Macedonian Region and introduced aspects of Islamic culture. Most Albaniansand some ethnic Macedonians converted to Islam. These Macedonian Muslims or Torbešigenerally retained their Macedonian cultureand customs while many were assimilated as Turks.[5] By the 19th Century most of the cities were primarily populated by Muslims.[5] The Sharena Xhamija in Tetovo is a legacy of the country's Ottoman past. In 2002, Muslims form approximately 33.33% of the nation's total population. There was no census since 2002 which means that it's all estimates and non-credible sources for the period between then and now.


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