
Scariest scenes in the world - Miley Cyrus appears to be having some trouble holding her human form.

Scariest scenes in the world - Miley Cyrus appears to be having some trouble holding her human form. It's a porn of MC supposedly but most likely a c.g.ed face lift and cover why it's glitchiy probably. Reptilian taught us medicine so they're smart so maybe she's doing that to make it look like a cg face all though unlikely.
The most recent accidental transformation into the reptilian form was ....Adel back stage greeting her 10 best fans. All humans in the room were startled but relieved when she defiantly began to cry and say sorry and not to worry she one of the good ones. I read it in the online version of the Players Bill. Go figure.
I member watching and recording the news when Beiber was 1st arrested around 1990. I noticed his second set of eyelids while being mugshoted. It's now relatively famous All though I never posted it.
Well on that not here she is....SMILEY Miley to my remix including her and Mike's track j's on my feet.
In 1990 when I learned of the reptilian on earth reading a group of recently declassified docs called the matrix at the time on I understood that piece between our brother reptilian and Palladian could should and would be achieved. This is because humans are in the middle of the good and the bad. Almost as if a reptilian and Palladian had children half good half evil making free will or us.
Besides if Adel and Miley are both descendants the reptilian can sing like a muthafucka. So they can't be all bad meaning paladians aren't all good necissarily. Regardless it's all come to fruition. Draconian and paladians have first truce in 30000000 years that's 30 million. 5 times destroying us accidentally witch is how we reached here the 5th earth or 5th dimension. All's well that ends well and we get to leave earth to join in the search of the great expanse along side both species acting as translators or refineries in the field. It brings me to years of joy when I have these apifanys and it's very exciting.
Coicadetaly one of the owners of Pay pal rented my family members beach front home for a year. One of those 2 people is Elon Musk. I now think I'm supposed to contact his space program with smart ideas to assist in making mars a successfull mission. I think I even have proof of our success when the malfunctioning northern mars rover landed sending back a date in the future 2038. T I think that may have been a message sent by us to us using the sun as an antenna fracturing our reality but no time loops this time as the universe has the ability to fix such problems now and did so by splintering itself creating a second mars rover in the south. I remember the change because I can comprehend the scenario mathematically. Only one rover was launched. When struck by the solar flare the message was delivered and the universe duplicated the probe in two different times simultaneously an impossibility so a second correction was made no longer identical probes one north one to the south. Now we have time travel in the form of communication between past and future but we won't remember it as universe corrects itself but wrong date indicates our computers can remember the changes and can inform us when it happens.
There are 5 random calculator super computers running in 5 secret locations on earth. 2 times I know of they all became linked or rolled there dice identically a billion times per minute for several minutes. On 911 during the attack on tv and during the verdict reading of ok Simpson as well. So something similar must take place when universe corrects itself perhaps the become exact opposites...or something. Not sure yet gotta research the Observer law in connection to our sun and time portals first. Thanks for reading this and now you can join the space force. If asked why refer them to this link and this page. Code word (Backstep). While this isn't relevant now I think it might be in the future.

If you can help me get of the street as I'm homeless cause your rich please go to my PayPal account called (ghettout and get off the street.) and many tjanks as I can only offer extreme good luck and charma in return. That amounts to eternal salvation or triple your money back using luck.

Mcnn MCNONO reptilians reptoids Miley Cyrus shapshifter? Computer graphics? Draconian empire,scariest scenes in the world,

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